Sea Shell Earring
1.499 kr.
Seashell Earring represents a beautiful clam that you find on the beach. The earring itself is made of 925 sterling silver and is plated with 22-carat gold. In the middle of each ‘clam’ hangs a white pearl, and at the top of the earring is a sparkling zircon. The golden and maritime look of the earring brings the atmosphere of sea and summer with you wherever you go. Several of the jewellery at Eden Outcast Jewelry is inspired by the sea and what you can be lucky to find on the beach. You can often attach a great value to a mussel or a special stone you find on the beach that evokes wonderful memories. This particular personal value is wanted to create with Seashell Earring, which reminds us of what amazing things the ocean waves can wash up on the beach.